Saturday, October 8, 2011

What will be happening here.

Wow, welcome to a long time coming website. My webmistress, Rae Monet didn’t take long to build my website. She was fantastically fast and helpful. Look her up. The art is fantastic.
The website was a long time coming because I questioned wither or not to continue on my writing journey. As the queen of rejections, as most authors can claim, I had hit the end. My last rejection, and I quote, “Your writing is brilliant, but I can’t sell this story.” Alrighty, than…Makes perfect sense to me. One of my favorite rejections, written in pencil on the back of my query letter, decorated with coffee stains ( it was clean when sent). Another, alrighty than, moment.
So I held off on putting money into a website and blogged. Even in the world of blogging, I questioned publication, until indies came along. The heavens had opened, and the angels were singing rock and roll. I was there. I could control my career, my money and my time.I didn't want deadlines, unless I set them, and didn't want a editor changing my story. Indie was for me. Running on the treadmill of publication did not appeal to me, at all.
With this new commitment, came the drive to write, to clean up old stories, to get them out and do what I love to do most, write. Next came the website. I love writing historical, but mystery and suspense is my best writing. So I branded myself as a mystery writer. A very dark mystery writer. As I’ve been told I do dark well. Not sure if that’s a compliment or not. Although, my first indie in a anthology is a quirky Christmas story, not to dark…Not dark at all.
Time for the website. I’m excited. I’ll be blogging about my writing adventures, research, training for a triathlon, riding my bike and battling traffic, as I ride…Do I have stories about my near misses. So stay tuned. Leave a comment. Everyone who comments on my blog, their name will go into a jar, to win this cool Zombie hat…It goes in EVERY time you comment. The more comments the more chances of winning. It is a way cool hat for Halloween. I will announce the winner in my monthly Newsletter on October 24th. To find out if you won, you must be signed up for the newsletter. You can join by going to my News section of my website. There you'll get up dates on contests, giveaways, and other cool stuff.
The drawing for the hat will be October 23rd, in time to ship to wherever. So keep coming back leaving comments. While you're here sign up for my newsletter, and follow me on twitter, where you get to hear about the wild pigs I encounter while hiking. Yes, wild pigs, and other wild things.

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