Saturday, November 17, 2012

Follow me through a 2 1/2 day of a juice and broth fast

I'm fasting this weekend on juice and broth. This is a difficult fast, that really flushes out the body of toxins. Why now right before the big "T" day? To prepare for all those foods that I don't normally eat. I'll fast again in the following week after Thanksgiving, and probably twice during the Christmas holiday. I eat foods I normally don't eat during this time. Especially the high sugary ones, and more alcohol then normal, that includes a lot of mixed high sugar drinks.

First I prepared myself both mentally and physically for this fast at least four days prior to the dates I decided to fast. A fast should never be any longer then 3 days.

I eliminated from my diet this week the following:
  1. Red meats. 
  2. Alcohol.
  3. Dairy
  4. Highly processed foods, such as sodas and canned goods.  (Rarely eat or drink these anyways.)
  5. No Caffeine. I switched to decaf.   
  6. No sugary foods.
  7. No fried foods. 
  8. I don't eat fast food, but if you do it needs to be eliminated during this process.
  9. No deserts. (I'm not a desert eater, so this was another easy one.)
  10. Drink lots of water.
  11. Eat lots vegetables and fruits. 
  12. What proteins I ate, was chicken and fish. 
  13. Everyday I ate less and less carbs in the form of breads, pasta, grains and rice. 
  14. Hang up my bike and running shoes. No exercising until Monday. 
It seems like a lot to give up and all at once and honestly it is. Which is why I gave up a couple of things a day, not all at once as my fast date approached. I suggest if you've never done a complete cleansing fast, you prepare at least two weeks in advance. You may lose weight in the prep process. During the actual fast weight lose is normal. But it is only temporary.

Fasting isn't for the faint of heart. This process needs to be planned out in order to be successful. I've picked this particular weekend, because it's going to be cold and rainy. I can't ride my bike or run. It's the quietest weekend I'll have prior to the holidays. I don't have any distractions. I can hunker down, juice and drink vegetable broth and write.

I'll do regular updates on my Facebook, Lee Lopez author, on what I'm doing and how I'm feeling.  


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